Thursday, April 4, 2013

94% Room 237

All Critics (80) | Top Critics (16) | Fresh (76) | Rotten (5) | DVD (1)

As amusing as the movie is, I think in the end that Ascher misses the labyrinth for the trees.

The theories proposed in the doc "Room 237" aren't eye-opening. They're laughable.

A beautifully edited, deeply strange compendium of what different people have read into a single film.

A thrilling testament to the fact that art is - and should be - open to interpretation.

This movie about a labyrinth with a monster at its center is itself a labyrinth, [Ascher] tells us; better leave a trail of breadcrumbs behind you if you hope to get out.

Part of what makes "Room 237" fascinating to watch and think about (beyond other people's loopiness) is that it shows how works of art become encrusted with their reception.

I can't buy into the notion of Stanley Kubrick faking Apollo 11's moon landing but he definitely helped Shelley Duvall fake a movie career.

"Anything you say, Lloyd. Anything you say."

"Room 237" is movie so chunky and sweet you can eat it with a spoon.

This documentary will entertain everyone from film junkies to conspiracy theorists and those who like to debunk them as Ascher spreads his net to include everything from the most provocative ideas to blatant bunkum.

This geek gossip is made even more captivating by the fact that nobody will likely ever know whether any of it is true.

Hilarious, bizarre and provocative. You'll never look at The Shining the same way again

The beauty of Room 237, however, doesn't lie in the validity of any one of the commentators' thoughtful (and occasionally well-informed) speculations, but instead in that mysterious grey zone between an artist's intentions and audience interpretation.

Unique and at times profound, Room 237 is a reminder of how much Kubrick left for us to appreciate in his work, and how the greatest films always leave something more to be discovered with each viewing.

A strange and enduring testament to Kubrick's cinematic legacy, as well as a fun way to look at a horror classic in a whole new way.

Like any great puzzle, The Shining is a lot of fun to try and solve.

The effect of Room 237 is intense. It's a deep dive into the rabbit hole of semiotics, designed to train viewers to become alert to what they're really seeing.

For film buffs who love to debate cinematic subtext, the documentary is both exciting and riveting. It's also just plain fun.

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